Safe Service
While working on accounts, we comply with all security measures. We do not use bots and scripts. We do not use in-game chat.24/7 Support
Our team works 24 hours per day.SSL Secure
The site uses SSL protocol, it fully protects input data and information. We also use the HTTPS protocol to encrypt data.VPN
We can use the VPN of your country.Money refunds
We provide a full or partial refund if you change your mind or if there is an accident. You can learn more about this from the operator.Includes the following:
Title of The Arena Master.
Additional Featurs:
Express - +50% speed and + 30% in price! Just write us for custom order.
Please ask before you order, if it is possible to do this on your server.
Purchase WotLK Classic Being one of the top PvP players in each Arena Bracket and earning the Arena Master accomplishment both help WotLK. This is your one-of-a-kind opportunity to team up with extremely quality players and destroy anyone who would try to oppose you!
It requires an absurd amount of time and work to earn the The Arena Master achievement, therefore it's not a simple undertaking. The problem is that victory in arena games depends more on teamwork than on individual talent. Players spend months finding the right teammate before beginning this PvP quest, and months finishing it.
That's why you choose Antorus; our skilled players are capable of providing you with WotLK. The Arena Master accomplishment increase will help you bypass the mundane tasks and get right into PvP!
• Completed the meta-achievement for Arena Master;
• 2200+ rating in the 2v2 division;
• 2200+ rating in the 3v3 division;
• 2200+ rating in the 5v5 division;
• Won over 300 Arena games.
• It may be finished sooner or later, depending on the WotLK The Arena Master boost execution speed you select.
• Regular - you are given a basic position in the execution queue;
• Express: Your order is given higher priority, resulting in a 30% faster turnaround time;
• Super Express - Your order receives the greatest priority possible and is carried out by our best boosters, ensuring the quickest turnaround time.
How WotLK Arena Master Boost Works
In either Pilot or Selfplay mode, this kind of service is offered:
• List the accomplishments you require.
• Please choose a time that will work for the booster to access your account before you begin (in the case of Pilot mode). By doing this, the procedure will be improved and made as secure as feasible.
• Give the account information and the selected booster time (in the case of Pilot mode).
• Tell the artist what to do with the rewarded Arena Points.
• You are welcome to join our team and use Selfplay. Carefully heed the party leader's instructions if you want to win easily and quickly. Your administrator will inform you when it's time to schedule the carry.
• Please notify us in advance if you need to halt the job for whatever reason so that we can determine a fair payment for the work completed.
• Once all the details are understood, add the chosen item to your cart, complete the transaction, and then just wait for the outcome.
Please take note that we are prepared to handle even the most complex tasks thanks to the extensive experience of our team. Please feel free to contact your administrator via discord or the website if the service you require is not included among the available options. You will then receive a customized offer.
$ 2500,00