Safe Service
While working on accounts, we comply with all security measures. We do not use bots and scripts. We do not use in-game chat.24/7 Support
Our team works 24 hours per day.SSL Secure
The site uses SSL protocol, it fully protects input data and information. We also use the HTTPS protocol to encrypt data.VPN
We can use the VPN of your country.Money refunds
We provide a full or partial refund if you change your mind or if there is an accident. You can learn more about this from the operator.Includes the following:
Kill from 2 up to 8 bosses in Mythic difficulty.
662-678 ilvl gear loot for your character.
Loot Guarantees armor+set:
Full prio + 30% in price.
Additional Featurs:
Please, be kindly advised that Loot Guarantees are reflecting only 100% guaranteed amount of loot.
Please, be aware that your bonus roll is not included in the guaranteed loot and your personal loot is included in the guaranteed loot.
Please, be aware that some gear items are not available for trading due to principles of the looting system operation itself. The items that are not increasing your item level are also included into the guaranteed loot.
Please, be aware that in case you chose self-play method, you have to hit the boss at least once, in order to being able to get loot.
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